Sunday, October 17

a series of fortunate events

Hey hey!

Hope you all have had a lovely weekend! I have a lot to tell you about! If you read my post about my brother, you'll know I was a little torn up about him being sent to Afghanistan. Buuuuut, it turns out they had more volunteers than they needed, so he was taken off of the list sent to go! I am so relieved :) I know he may be a little bummed about the missed opportunity to serve in the Middle East, but I am glad he will be here for a little while longer and home for Christmas, hopefully. So that is the biggest happy news here!!!

My weekend was great, too! I ended up having a super short work week due to low census at work, and it allowed me to catch up on my PA Interview prep and thus relieve a ton of stress for me. 

Thursday night was SUCH a blast! I went to my girlfriend Denise's bachelorette party, and our friend Erin did the BEST job planning it! She picked the CUTEST theme {Angels & Devils} and got sushi, planned a limo ride to take us around town, and even set up pole dancing lessons for everyone! 5 gold stars go to her :) It was a blast of a night spent with some of my favorite girls in the world that I never get to see. Here are some pics of our fun!

The bride-to-be
 The maid-of-honor super party planner and me!
 Get it, get it, girl!!!
 Awesome self-pic in the limo :)

After the bachelorette party came the wedding, of course! It was in Skyline Park in downtown Denver, and it was beautiful! The colors were gorgeous, and it was very artistically done! Denise looked hot hot hot and the couple looked so happy! Unfortunately, I left my purse in the limo Thursday night {recovered by my fab friend Merri}, so I didn't have my camera during the wedding. But I did get my purse back during the reception, so I got some good pictures there!

I love Jane!!! My table partner :)

The reception hall and the couple's table

Gorgeous bouquets

Cutting their cake! Such a pretty dress!

Love the hats :)

And after the festivities of Saturday night, we came home for a much needed night of sleep before our big run! We got up at 5am and dressed to rock and run :) 
You know I had to dress up just a little bit...

I'm cheesy!!! But also a champion :)

Got my medal, yo 

My cute little hubby :)
 So, I may or may not have sprained my foot during the race...and my legs are sore as HELL...but I finished it in my goal time and I am proud to say that I have done a half marathon! I'm not going to be signing up for another one anytime soon, but I'm glad to be able to check it off of my list of awesome life accomplishments!



  1. Holy cow, I am so impressed that you ran a half marathon. That is pretty awesome!
    That is something I want to do before I die but have never looked into it hard enough. Good job though!

  2. Yay for being able to have your brother home for a bit longer!!

    That's awesome that you ran the half marathon! I'm still hoping to do that one.

  3. First of all, i am SO glad your brother doesn't have to go to afghanistan..such good news! I am also very, very impressed you ran a half marathon. I want to be a girl who could do that, but I just don't think it is in the cards for me! lol


How sweet of you to comment :) I love you for it!