get to know me

Hello! Welcome to my blog! If you are stopping by and wondering whether my blog might be a good one for you to follow, here's a bit about me to help you decide whether we're a good fit for each other!

General stats:
* I got married to my best friend & high school sweetheart on April 26th, 2009
* Living in Denver, Colorado and am back in school! Studying hard to be a Physician Assitant while hubby is working his tail off in med school

* Mama to two snuggly and energetic pups: Gryffin and Penny
* I am such a family girl! Love my parents so much and am the oldest of three kiddos. I have a 22-year-old brother in the Marines who I adore and am so proud of and a 17-year-old sister who I am closer to than almost anyone on the planet!

* I am always working on my relationship with God. There are times when my faith is a fire blazing within my heart, but as with all relationships, if you forget to work on it, that fire can fizzle out slowly.

* Decorating! I moved into my current home in September of 2009, and getting the house where I want it is always an on-going process! I like to blog about my progress, although it can be slow due to lack of funds (darn it!). I am inspired by simple and clean {lots of white!} decor with touches of nature, and pops of color {hello, citrus kitchen!}. I am always looking for tips and decor shopping deals!

* The outdoors! Living in Colorado affords you many opportunities to enjoy the lovely things the mountains have to offer! In the winter, it's snowboarding on the fresh fallen powder.  In the summer it's camping and hiking under the hot, hot sun! And in the spring and fall you can do a little bit of everything since the weather is more mild! I such a Colorado girl to the core!

* Traveling! While I always yearn to come back to the fresh mountain air, I love and adore experiencing new places. Really getting into cultures totally different from my own and learning from how others live there lives are such invaluable experiences! I cannot wait for when we can afford to travel more! I have a long list of destinations to visit. On the top of my list: Greece, Spain, Italy, New Zealand.

*Target. Enough said ;)

- Any kind of "ism" that is a prejudice against a group of people: sexism, racism, ageism...I'm pretty much intolerant of intolerance :)

- Negativity. Yep, I definitely have my share of bad days. But to me, it is worth it to try to make the most of life - even the crappy situations dealt to us. Buck up and don't be a constant pessimist, life can't be fun living with that mentality!

So that's me in a nutshell! I hope you stick around and follow me so we can share experiences and learn from one another! Life is about the connections we make with people :)
