Tuesday, January 19

la dee daaa updates :)

Sitting here watching Biggest Loser, relaxing after a fantastic day, and thought I should give some updates!

This last weekend was great! Friday morning, while Tyler was in class, I hit the gym and came home and got us ready for our little Fort Collins trip. We went to Fort Collins, picked up Linds from school, and went to the glorious land that is the hair salon! Tyler got a haircut and I went...dun dun dun....brunette (I know most of you know by now)

Love it! I have never been anything other than blonde, so this is quite a change! But surprisingly, it wasn't exactly the shock I expected! After our haircuts from wonderful Ms. Sydnie, we went by King Soopers and Target, dropped Linds off at home, and off to Syd and Brad's for dinner! It was such a lovely dinner! And we can talk foreverrrrrr. Finally at 10pm, us oldies were all exhausted and it was bedtime! 

On our way home I realized I hadn't exactly seen my phone since before my haircut in the car on the way up to Fort Collins. Hmmmm. Tyler called it and it rang and rang - but we didn't hear it anywhere. He called it again and it went straight to voicemail. Hmmmm. Weird. After that, it always went to voicemail. Which was weird because it was plenty charged. So then i thought maybe someone stole it - which is ridiculous! It was a 2-yr-old phone with missing buttons and really banged up. So...good luck with that if you stole it! We called King Soopers, Target and Syd, but no one had seen it. Hmmmm. And PS - of all times to lose my phone, I wasn't even doing anything wild and crazy! Just a relaxed afternoon! Haha. LUCKILY, we were due for our phone updates, we just hadn't gotten around to getting them! So we went to T-Mobile Saturday morning and picked out new phones! Yay! Here's mine:

So far I love it! Then on Saturday morning we went to see Avatar in 3D with my family, some of Tyler's family, and Keyan. It was awesome again!!! Really cool in 3D - I just continue to be blown away by Senor Cameron! Then that afternoon I had coffee with Jenna - someone who was my very best friend for years --> MEGA falling out --> finally back on track :) It was such a joy! Then for dinner we went to my in-laws' house. My MIL set up an awesome taco/burrito bar! Yummmm-O!!! And my brother in law has that device that I thought was like a massaging belt you put around your stomach to work out the muscles for you, haha. So we all tried that out. But actually, it sends minor shocks to your muscles to stimulate and work them! Weird. Didn't really like it, but I was glad to try it. 

Sunday morning I got up early and hit the gym! Then I had a lovely coffee date with my dear Erin! Soooo nice to catch up with her - seriously always such a pleasure! In the afternoon we went to my ring-bearer's 4th birthday party! Yayyy! I love this family SO much and after going from seeing them 3 times/week (babysat for them for 5 years) to not seeing them since June, I was desperate to see them! It was so much fun! Their 6-year-old daughter is like my little mini-me, and we were so happy to see each other! I mean, I felt like I had a hand in raising them both! Then Sunday night, Tyler and I went to HuHot with our friend Jason L and his girlfriend! It was great to catch up with them, too! I am really proud of the connections I made with friends this weekend :) 

When we got him, we decided to watch Fern Gulley (which I bought at Target for $4!!!). But did we just watch it on the couch? Nooooo. Lindsey, Tyler, and I made this huge/awesome pillow bed in front of the couch. So many blankets, pillows, and couch cushions! We snuggled in and watched the movie and had a grand ole' sleepover! haha. 3 amigos, we are :) 

Monday morning, we decided we hadn't had enough of the Johnsons (my babysitting family), so we went to their house for pancakes and chatting! And the kids were dying to meet Penny. So that was fun! Love love love them :) Then we drove home to Aurora! Penny was thankful to be home and proceeded to sleep the REST of the day - seriously only potty breaks. I was JUST as lazy! Cozied up on the couch with Penny and decided to catch up on missed episodes of crappy reality TV online. Haha. SUCH a bad habit. Oh well, there could be worse!

Today I went snowboarding with a nurse I work with (awwww, aren't you proud? My first coworker hang out in Denver! *sniff sniff*). We went to A Basin, and it was sooo much fun! I haven't honestly been snowboarding in 2 years!!! YIKES! It was so refreshing to have the snow under my board and on my lips! LOVED it! It wasn't too cold, and it even snowed for us! Perfect :) Definitely worked my legs in a way they haven't been worked in a long time! My knees are feeling it now...better grab the ice and ibuprofin! Came home and went to sit in the hot tub at the gym! Enjoyed a long shower, and Tyler made us berry pancakes for dinner! Yummmm. Now I'm watching Biggest Loser and getting pumped for my workout and volunteer work tomorrow at Doctor's Care! Also tomorrow is Canvas and Cocktails with Mandrew! It should be a lot of fun! We get to paint pictures and have a few drinks in the process - I'm really excited! 

Okay, if that didn't bore you to death...then...you have patience :) Hope you had a good 3-day weekend, too! 



  1. Again love the hair! Glad to hear that you had a good weekend.

  2. So glad we were able to meet up! You had quite the fabulous weekend, my dear. :-)

  3. Glad to hear you had a nice THRRE DAY WEEKEND!!! :-)


How sweet of you to comment :) I love you for it!